Baldur’s Gate 3 players “point blank refuse” to make one key choice

A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 players are refusing to make one key choice, no matter how many alternative options the game gives them.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is filled with a variety of choices for players to make along their playthroughs. Some are a little less consequential than others, but a few can completely alter the way a character acts, or the way the story plays out.

As such, one player has taken to the Baldur’s Gate 3 Reddit to ask the community: “What do you point blank refuse to do, consequences be damned?”

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Along with the question, they revealed an extremely popular choice they refuse to change. “I know I am missing out on seeing a different branch of story but I won’t kill Isobel or Aylin and won’t let Last Light fall. I’ve gone through Act 2 literally dozens of times, but I won’t do it, I won’t let them die.”

Plenty of the community echoed this sentiment, with players feeling extremely attached to Isobel and Aylin, as well as the Last Light Inn mission in general. It may be a challenge to save it, but watching Isobel and Aylin reunite is always worth it.

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Others jumped to the comments to share their love for everyone’s favorite good boy: “I won’t give scratch back!” This was by far the most popular unchangeable choice players made in Baldur’s Gate 3, and many fans will always treat Scratch with as much love as they can.

While plenty detailed about “not making a deal with Raphael” or their need to “help Hope,” one common yet rather unimportant choice was to “slap Gale’s hand.” When you first meet him and he’s reaching out of the portal, hundreds of players will always slap his hand before helping him, summing up how players feel about Gale and their impulses perfectly.

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While many fans may struggle to make any ‘cruel’ choice in Baldur’s Gate 3, it’s certainly a testament to how engrossed the playerbase has gotten, despite plenty of patches and dialogue frustrations.