Baldur’s Gate 3 players never cast these useful spells

Baldur's Gate 3 spellsLarian Studios

There are over 600 spells in Baldur’s Gate 3. As such, some classes have a lot to think about regarding combat or adventuring. Especially given the uses of each spell. However, some of the most useful spells are completely ignored by the community, for good reason.

The biggest problem with spells in both Dungeons & Dragons and Baldur’s Gate 3 is that most of them are either consistently useful or only work in extremely niche situations. Combine that with the action economy of both adventures and you have plenty of seemingly ‘useful’ powers that just aren’t worth the effort.

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This was echoed by the Baldur’s Gate 3 community, after a post on Reddit sparked multiple experienced players revealing the spells that just aren’t worth adding to your list, regardless of their uses.

Baldur's Gate 3 spellcastingLarian Studios

“What are some spells and abilities you recognize as being useful or beneficial, but you never use?” asked one player.

Shortly after, hundreds took to the comments to share the likes of Dominate Beast, Eyebite, Protection from Evil & Good, Polymorph, or even Bless, slamming their misleading powers.

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“Dominate Beast seems really useful in a crowd control situation, but by the time you have it, there are not many beasts to use it on” shared the poster, revealing that the higher level spell drops off considerably when you get around to using it.

Others highlighted the niche uses of Protection from Evil & Good, with some explaining that it’s “saved an Honour run against Myrkul” but then is “forgettable anywhere else.”

Interestingly, plenty of players noted the fact that they never use Polymorph due to the possibility of it not working. One user commented that players are better off if they “just cast Hold Person or even better, Dominate Person, so they can do some damage and take some damage from enemy.”

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While all those spells are certainly useful in some situations, they do require some pretty specific circumstances.

Despite this, Bless was one of the top spells to appear, with many expressing that, while it’s an “amazing spell in tabletop and an excellent use of concentration here too. It’s hard to give up the action economy though if, like me, you constantly forget to precast before combat.” Another added that Bless just feels “like a waste of an action.”

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While Bless is certainly a pain if you forget to cast it, there are some fantastic alternatives that last a lot longer, like Death Ward, Heroes’ Feast, Aid, and more.

Unfortunately, despite their uses on paper, some spells just aren’t as strong as they look and are much better avoided.