Baldur’s Gate 3 players love Karlach’s “savage” Dark Urge clapback

baldur's Gate 3 karlachLarian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 doesn’t hold back on its “savage” lines at the best of times, but there’s little funnier than seeing Karlach clapback a Dark Urge character in a fantastically brutal fashion.

One of the best elements of Baldur’s Gate 3 is its creativity. It feels like Larian has thought of everything, creating hilarious voice lines, cutscenes, and consequences for all the player’s impulsive desires. After all, that’s why the Dark Urge character was created, to help those fans who love acting on impulse and just seeing what would happen if the player was evil.

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However, just because the player is using a Dark Urge character doesn’t mean the companions are particularly happy about it, and some, like Karlach, won’t hold back their distrust and petty comments just because the player is evil.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players can’t get over Karlach’s “savage” comment

Baldur's Gate 3 Karlach buildLarian Studios

Sharing the brutal comment on Reddit, one user explained how “There is a quest in act 2 where you judge a dead person. My dark urge character (on redemption path) said “you didn’t mean to hurt your friends? How laughable!”. Karlach just had to comment “pot meet kettle”.

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The task in question puts the player in the position of judging a dead NPC who ‘killed their friends’ and wants to repent. Naturally, if you’re playing a Dark Urge character, it’s pretty ironic to judge someone in that situation.

The player followed on to say how they’ll “admit I tried to kill her a few nights ago. But I resisted! No need to throw it at my face in every opportunity.”

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Naturally, the comments were filled with fans praising Karlach, with many stating how “that’s f***ing hilarious” and how they “love it when characters have enough reactivity to call you on your blatant bulls**t.”

However, others began sharing the funny comments Karlach had said in their games, with some explaining that their “favorite lines from Karlach are when you break it off with her, to date Astarion, and she starts talking about sharpening stakes.”

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While Karlach may be a fan favorite, it’s clear she’s loved for more than just her badass looks. After all, who can’t love a character that’s not afraid to joke about your mistakes once in a while?