Baldur’s Gate 3 players hate one aspect about traveling with companions

Baldur's Gate 3 companionsLarian Studios

Since its release out of early access, Baldur’s Gate 3 has been an outstanding success – but not all players think every aspect of the game is great. Some find one element about traveling with companions a relentless chore.

With high review scores, constant praise, and regular patch notes that just keep on giving, it’s clear that, despite not being a live service game, Baldur’s Gate 3 is here to stay. Its community adores playing as each Origin character, their own creations, and even the Dark Urge, especially when there are so many unique endings to discover.

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However, despite the praise and success, there are still elements the community can’t stand, with one key aspect of traveling with companions proving to take the place as the most hated element of the game.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players hate traveling with companions

Posting onto Reddit, one Baldur’s Gate 3 player asked the community “What’s the worst thing about the game for you?”

They then shared their thoughts, explaining how “it definitely has to be when a companion stops following you for whatever reason. I get they don’t want to be poisoned but… it’s the only way through, f**king come on, man.”

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Despite the comments being filled with many different answers to the poster’s question, one frustration rang true for many, with hundreds of comments agreeing with the OP’s answer.

One of the most frustrating parts of Baldur’s Gate 3 can often be its companions. Since you can’t really control them directly, they’re usually commanded to simply follow you. However, that doesn’t always mean they’re in your shadow, and can instead lead to some pretty annoying situations where they wander off, walk straight into traps, or just disappear altogether.

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One user shared their frustrations regarding traversing landscapes where you have to jump, highlighting how their issue with the game is, “When you jump over something but one of the companions stays there. Come on Gale even you can make that jump.”

Others found similar elements annoying, with one highlighting their time in Act 2, with the Shadow Curse: “For me, it was Act 2 Mortuary. Same idea, except this time if they stop moving they get separated from the light source and you get SHADOW CURSES. 20-minute crawl took almost two hours to run through three freaking rooms.”

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Companions are a key element for Baldur’s Gate 3, and there’s plenty to love about them, but one thing the community can agree on is how frustrating it is to explore with them in tow.