Baldur’s Gate 3 players go off on “worst” NPC in the game

Baldur's Gate 3 AradinLarian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 players are voicing their displeasure with one of the NPCs in the game that they view as “a pretty stupid character…”

Baldur’s Gate 3 has a lot of NPCs that players have fallen in love with and have been debating which ones stand out as the best of the best.

However, not every character has proven to be a fan favorite, with many of them being argued as the worst ones you can interact with.

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Now, it looks like some Baldur’s Gate 3 players have found their least-favorite one and are discussing their reasoning on social media.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players hate “worst” NPC in the game

The discussion is happening over on the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit, where a fan has posted the following thoughts: “Aradin really is the worst.”

They go on to explain their reasons for hating Aradin, saying that he continually makes mistakes, starting from nearly getting killed by goblins to attacking a group of heroes later on.

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“Sounds like a pretty stupid character to me. I regret saving him in act 1.”

The Baldur’s Gate 3 community seems to agree with this sentiment, with one user responding; “Ngl his voice was hot but then it hit me that he was stupid after reading the « contract »…. I wish I can dispose of his body laying in my camp though.”

Others have taken the chance to list off their reasons for disliking Aradin, with many of them pointing to his apparent ineptitude as a mercenary and a leader.

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“He is stupid. I don’t believe he’d have a chance at finding the Nightsong even if he did prep better beforehand. He just has no brain outside of fighting.”

Some have pointed out that Aradin, when met in the game’s third and final act, is only at level 3, meaning that he is the weakest one of his group as well.

Of course, having an NPC that is so hated is not a bad thing for the game, and it’s clear that Aradin isn’t stopping players from enjoying Baldur’s Gate 3.

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