Baldur’s Gate 3 players find one part of evil playthrough everyone needs to avoid

Baldur's Gate 3 Dark UrgeLarian Studios

Evil playthroughs in Baldur’s Gate 3 are there for players to freely enjoy all their impulses without worrying about the ramifications, but one choice is best left ignored.

From the moment the Dark Urge character was announced for Baldur’s Gate 3 players were planning how they’d enjoy the game in their first evil playthrough. After all, just like Dungeons and Dragons, players love acting on impulse and seeing just how much havoc they can wreak upon the world in front of them, no matter what their companions think.

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However, even in an evil playthrough you need to act carefully, as there are vital elements players should definitely avoid during these evil runs.

Baldur’s Gate 3 player warns others to avoid one evil choice

Dolly Dolly Dolly the pixie in Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios
Despite it being a ‘good’ act, you’ll want to free the Pixie.

Sharing their warning on Reddit, one user revealed the “one thing not worth doing on an evil playthrough.”

They went on to explain that it’s “siding with Kar’niss the Drider and following him to Moonrise.” While that action is okay, it’s the lantern that really messes up players’ experience. Instead, the player begged users to “Kill him, take the moon lantern, and free the pixie, i.e. the “good” option.”

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They went on to explain how “not having the pixies’ blessing and having to carry around a stupid lantern the entire time in Act 2 is just not worth it. Just got to Act 2 in my 2nd evil playthrough, and I just immediately killed Kar’niss as soon as he showed up. Astarion and Lae’zel disapproved of my releasing the pixie, but screw them! It’s worth it.”

The Moon Lanterns is a key point of frustration for many players since you’ll need to stay in close proximity of whoever holds the lantern in order to not contract the Shadow Curse. This is extremely annoying, especially when companions have a tendency to wander off or stay in one spot while you’re still moving.

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While many took the player’s advice, one user shared their truly evil way of getting around this part of the story: “I play as a Bard and convinced him to give me the lantern. He then proceeds without it and gets cursed. You can hear the faint screaming. Later a cursed form of him ambushes you and has to be killed then… I think convincing him to give you the lantern, getting cursed, and then killed by you later is very fitting for a bad run.”

While that’s certainly evil, it’s clear the pixie needs to be freed in order for players to safely and efficiently pass through the cursed lands. One good deed will allow you to complete many worse ones in the future without succumbing to any curses.

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