Baldur’s Gate 3 players “extremely sad” as Larian are done with Baldur’s Gate franchise

A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 developers Larian Studios moving away from the franchise has disappointed worldwide fans severely. This has led to players showcasing their grief and worry for Baldur’s Gate in the hands of Wizards of the Coast while also hoping for even better games from Larian Studios.

The discussion surrounding the topic was initiated by a Reddit user who posted a screenshot of the tweets by Swen Vincke and also mentioned, “Well, Swen has spoken, but the good news is that.” Naturally, several players flocked to the tweets, most of them showcasing their disappointment while a few hoping for a brighter future.

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One such disappointed player stated, “I am extremely sad right now – probably more sad than one should feel about this. I am not ready to let these characters go.” Another user chimed in, “This game will stay with me forever, it is one of those few precious things that really touched my soul on a different level.”

A second disappointed user also commented, “I’m just not ready to say goodbye to all the characters and the world I’ve immersed myself in.” However, there were a few players who are hopeful that the developers at Larian Studios will make something even better in the future.

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One such hopeful user mentioned, “Larian said that their next project will dwarf BG3, so I am really looking forward to it.” Finally, a second hopeful player claimed, “Based original IP incoming 2028.”

In case you are unaware, Larian Studios is completely moving away from the Baldur’s Gate franchise and anything related to Dungeons and Dragons. Wizards of the Coast will control this game and a future Baldur’s Gate 4; instead, Larian Studios will move to new projects. Players are devastated by this news on account of the impact Baldur’s Gate 3 had on the community.

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Apart from that, players are worried that Baldur’s Gate will not receive the same love from Wizards of the Coast. However, it is tough to make claims on how things will turn out and all that we can do is hope for the best.