Baldur’s Gate 3 players explain why the Dark Urge needs to be even more evil

baldurs gate 3 dark urge headerLarian Studios

Several Baldur’s Gate 3 players have blasted the Dark Urge for being “too easy” to resist, arguing that it needs to be much harder to not murder people.

There are a lot of different ways to play Baldur’s Gate 3, but one of the more interesting ones is the bespoke “evil” campaign that you can access if you play as the Dark Urge, or the Durge, as the community has affectionately named them.

For this origin character, you’re a Bhaalspawn filled with an unquenchable desire for murder, which leads to some very awkward conversations around the camp. Throughout the game, you’ll be tempted to kill major characters, and sometimes, you can’t resist the drive.

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However, some players have pointed out that it’s a little too easy to stop the murderous urges from taking control, which is weird, seeing as it’s the will of a god.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players brand Durge as too easy to resist

One player on the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit highlighted this issue, saying: “Besides Alfira, you can beat the game with your urge claiming zero lives (excluding everyone durge kills before the game of course).

“All you need to do is spare Isobel and then pass some Wisdom checks, and avoid certain interactions with animals. It’s way too easy to resist the influence of a god and a lifetime of murder!

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“I think that resisting your urge should almost always require a save, and that each time you succeed a save, the next one will be harder, with the dc increase resetting every time you fail a save or choose to indulge the urge.”

Several players said the suggestion was a good one, with one comment suggesting: “I would like a debuff or something! Durge talks a lot about headaches and nausea due to resisting (and the head trauma). It would be interesting to get some random debuffs related to it in order to give it more challenge.”

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