Baldur’s Gate 3 players convinced this is “hardest part” in game

A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 players have been digging into the game since its release earlier in the year. After several weeks of studying the game, they seem to have finally come to a conclusion regarding the hardest part of the game.

Baldur’s Gate 3 can be a fairly complicated game as it involves a lot of strategy building. If you are new to the genre, you might struggle even more since the game is turn-based. As it happens, after going through all the difficult aspects of the game, players seem to have finally realized the hardest part of Baldur’s Gate 3.

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According to players, the biggest challenge they have faced so far is talking to companions without creating a misunderstanding that you are trying to make romantic advances towards them. Baldur’s Gate 3 is heavily dependent on dialogue options and the way you talk to companions can often determine your future with them.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players feel talking to companions is the hardest part of the game

The discussion regarding this companion issue was started by a Reddit user named skyarsenic. The player claimed that the hardest part of the game is, “choosing the right answer so that some of your companions don’t get the wrong idea that you wanna f*** them.” They expanded on this statement claiming, “And by “some”, I meant Gale.”

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Other players joined in the conversation as well to discuss the topic. One such player commented, “Somehow, Gale will always understand the belly rub one as Tav wanting to have s** with him and there’s no option to tell him it was just a joke.” Another player chimed, “I once made a mistake of asking Laezel why she’s looking at me differently all of a sudden.”

One player also mentioned, “Awww Gale. My poor, sweet, lonely, awkward idiot.” Lastly, a player claimed, “It’s harder with Halsin. Dude just randomly pops up with “I want to f***” in ACT 3.” One Reddit user also mentioned, “I noticed that for the girls, you need to approach them first with a dialogue option.”

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Therefore, it seems like a lot of players have faced this issue where NPCs are bound to get the wrong idea when you are talking to them. However, there is no doubt it leads to funny and awkward interactions with your companions in the game.