Baldur’s Gate 3 players convinced key NPC is “worst” healer

A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 has multiple NPCs who play a variety of roles and come in handy during your journey. However, there is one NPC in the game whom players claim is the worst healer ever.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is one of the most expansive games when it comes to NPCs. All of these NPCs play a valuable role in the story and they will often assist the play character in one way or the other.

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However, there is one NPC in the game whom players seem to hate as they feel that she is the worst healer ever. The NPC under question here is Nettie and it seems like Baldur’s Gate 3 fans are not very fond of her.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players think key NPC is the worst healer

The discussion surrounding the topic was initiated by a Reddit user named Mewnbugg. The user posted, “After numerous playthroughs I decided to see what would happen if I (a bard) tried to heal the bird Nettie is seeing to before speaking to her.” They continued, “Bird thanked me and started flying around. But when Nettie heals her she says “it’s up to her now” and the litrle thing can hardly move still..and we are trusting her with the tadpole in our heads?”

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Others joined into the conversation as quite a few of them were in favor of this topic. One such user mentioned, “A half ogre barbarian can heal that bird better then Nettie can. I am pretty sure anyone in the Grove can, even that snake that kills kids.” Another user chimed in, “She has no problem hauling a giant flaming sphere out of her back pocket a few minutes later. She could have managed a Healing Word.”

One player also claimed, “Nettie is radically incompetent. And really wants you dead.” Finally, a player commented, “She could use the spell slot on the bird or she could save it incase goblins injure someone. I would choose the latter.”

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Hence, it is safe to claim that players are not exactly in favor of Nettie. However, that is the charm of Baldur’s Gate 3 as not all of the NPCs are good at their jobs, but it also enhances the immersion level of the game by a lot.