Baldur’s Gate 3 players confused by friendly mindflayer encounter

The Emperor and Tav love scene in Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 players were confused when a mindflayer showed up at the campsite, seemingly for no reason.

The campsite is meant to be your refuge from the trials of Baldur’s Gate. Sure, you might occasionally get a half-devil or a squad of Githyanki monks invading it occasionally, but for the most part, this is the safest place for you to be.

Which is why the sudden appearance of a mindflayer had a lot of players scratching their heads. After all, they’re the main antagonists of the game (if you ignore the three gods, the two devils, the vampire lord, and the elder brain, of course).

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To make matters worse, the mindflayer appears to have the same model as the Emperor. Clearly keeping an eye on Tav requires getting a bit closer.

One player highlighted the bizarre interaction on the Baldur’s Gate subreddit, asking: “I’m just having a civil conversation with Wyll about Mizora, why is there a mind flyer in my camp, is this a glitch?”

It’s unknown what exactly caused the bug, but that didn’t stop several players from having fun with it.

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“He’s not needed on set until the final boss battle so he’s just kind of hanging about until then,” one player joked.

“People can’t even hang out in public without some random dude getting a pic of you and posting it on Reddit.”

Let’s hope the mindflayer doesn’t miss any of his important cutscenes.