Baldur’s Gate 3 player’s character has AC so high enemies ‘don’t bother attacking’

Lae'zel from Baldur's Gate 3 covered in blood.Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 players have created some impressive builds, including a tank with an impressively high armor class of 27.

In the weeks since the game released, Baldur’s Gate 3 players have been accomplishing some impressive things with their characters.

From recreating rock bands to Monks that deal hundreds of points of damage every turn, players are clearly having fun with the game’s character creator and various customization features that allow for infinite build possibilities.

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One build in particular makes a character so hard to hit that, according to the poster, enemies don’t even try.

Baldur’s Gate 3 build gives character an armor class of 27

Reddit user xXDANG3RDANXx shared how they accomplished a whopping AC 27. While they don’t provide specifics, such as the character’s class or stats, the breakdown makes it pretty clear what’s happening.

18 of the character’s AC comes from the heavy armor they’re wearing. Having armor equipped also triggers the class passive Defence, adding another point. The character’s shield, shoes, gloves, and cloak also contribute to their armor class.

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On top of all the equipment, the character is also benefiting from two buffs: the Cleric and Paladin spell Shield of Faith and the Cleric’s Warding Bond. The former adds +2 to AC, while the latter binds two allies together, giving them damage resistance, plus buffs to AC and saving throws. In exchange, if one takes damage, the other is hurt as well.

While Shield of Faith requires concentration, Warding Bond lasts until the party long rests.

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Though it’s possible to get your AC even higher – one commenter claims to have Lae’zel at AC 30 without buffs – xXDANG3RDANXx says they don’t see the point in trying. As they joke in the post’s title, it seems enemies will often avoid targeting characters who are that hard to hit.

They don’t go into detail about this experience, but commenters seem to be experiencing the same issue, with enemies exclusively going after weaker characters.

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One also pointed out a similar issue was present in Larian Studios’ previous game, Divinity: Original Sin 2.

The fact that enemies don’t bother attacking such a beefy tank makes an AC this high unnecessary. Still, it’s an impressive stat and shows how much Baldur’s Gate 3 players have been able to push the game’s mechanics – whether that’s for combat power or humorous reasons.