Baldur’s Gate 3 players are in love with Shadowheart’s “hilarious” Durge reaction

A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 has a wide range of characters with unique personalities leading to varied reactions, and some players have heavily praised Shadowheart’s reaction to the Durge (Dark Urge) origin in the game.

Shadowheart is by far one of the most popular characters in all of Baldur’s Gate 3. She has an appeal that attracts many people which in turn leads them to try romancing her in the game.

As it happens, players have taken notice of how Shadowheart reacts when they decide to play as the Durge origin in Baldur’s Gate 3, and they feel that it’s hilarious yet sweet for which they can’t stop praising her.

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Baldur’s Gate 3 players praise Shadowheart’s “hilarious” Durge reaction

Starting a discussion on Reddit, the player compared Shadowheart’s reaction to Durge to other characters and said, “All the companions have a good reaction to resist Durge when they’re on the block, but hers is just another level of hilarity.”

One player added that players can get a special advantage on the roll to resist where it said, “Shadowheart believes in you”. It’s super sweet!!”

Shadowheart’s reaction to Durge left some with a desire to romance this companion, and they would travel that extra mile to ” make a third character that ends up romancing Shadowheart, just what I needed.”

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Players explained how they “love this scene” as they felt it’s “the only time that your companions do something for you, rather than you holding their hand through their personal story while you wait to finish your own.”

According to Baldur’s Gate 3 players, moments like this go a long way into adding depth to Shadowheart’s character. “Shadowheart has faith in you, amongst the humorous dialogue she has here this bit is such an easily missed detail but just adds so much to her.”

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