Baldur’s Gate 3 player terrified of father’s romance decisions

Baldur's Gate 3 Emperor laying down shirtlessLarian Studios

A Baldur’s Gate 3 has come to face the terrifying reality of their father’s romance decisions in the game.

There is no shortage of romantic possibilities for players in Baldur’s Gate 3, and discussing who they choose in their playthroughs is a favorite thing in the community.

Of course, with how little the game hides from people in terms of sexual content, those conversations could be awkward if had with the wrong person.

Such is the case with a fan, who has come to face the terrifying chance of discussing this decision with their own father.

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Baldur’s Gate 3 player scared of their father’s romance choices

The story came to the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit, in which the poster explains how they gave the game as a gift to their father and initially enjoyed seeing how into the game he got.

However, after seeing the father’s Steam profile, they noticed that he had unlocked an achievement involving romancing the character of the Emperor.

This led them to have a small crisis as they began to wonder who else their father had chosen to pursue and their desire to know: “And I fear the answer. I can’t not ask, right?”

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Of course, the Baldur’s Gate 3 community ate the initial post up, and demanded to receive an update once the original poster had asked their father.

That update did come, and it turns out, the romance with the Emperor was a mistake:

“Asked how he found himself in that position with the Emperor, he says: ‘Hell, I don’t know what I’m doing half the time. It just seemed like the right way to advance the story.’.”

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The jokes and jabs are plentiful in the thread, with one user summarizing them all in a simple way: “DAD IS ONE OF US…”

One user even mentions that they are the father in their situation, where their daughter gives them a hard time for unlocking the same achievement.

The incredible stories that Baldur’s Gate 3 has given the community might be even better than the game’s story itself.