Baldur’s Gate 3 player stumbles on disturbing way to heal Durge

Baldur's Gate 3 Dark UrgeLarian Studios

It should come as a pleasant suprise to discover new ways to heal your Baldur’s Gate 3 character. However, this player wound up finding something far more ghastly.

The Forgotten Realms can be brutal. While Baldur’s Gate 3 doesn’t have a total grimdark setting, it definitely still has its fair share of grisly moments. Not to mention, you can really lean into this by choosing to play as the Dark Urge.

The Dark Urge (or Durge as they’re affectionately known by the Baldur’s Gate 3 community) is spawn of Bhaal, Lord of Murder. Predictably, their storyline, combat, and dialogue are all colored by this bloodthirsty family history. It turns out they also benefit from unique and morally questionable healing opportunities.

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Baldur’s Gate 3 player finds Durge’s gruesome healing strategy

Taking to the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit, a Durge player described how they looted some meat from the corpse of a Goblin. Upon checking their inventory, they noticed that the meat provided a healing effect to their character when eaten.

This came as a surprise to the poster, as food items in Baldur’s Gate 3 rarely heal characters, instead being most often used as camping supplies.

Hoping to divvy out the benefits to other members of the party, they switched to playing as Karlach and tried to have her eat the mystery meat. Except Karlach didn’t receive any positive effect. The same rang true for all other characters apart from Durge.

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To the player’s horror, they discovered the reason other party members couldn’t heal from using the item: “Confused, I go to reread the item description and it’s Dwarf meat. Roasted Dwarf Belly. My Durge heals from it because she’s a Bhaalspawn and probably a cannibal”.

Baldur's Gate 3 fighter buildLarian Studios
“Hey, is anyone gonna eat that?”

While being an incredibly macabre medical intervention, the player admitted that healing their Durge using Dwarf meat does have its perks. Not only is the flesh of your enemies a plentiful resource, as Durge, you can gain inspiration from engaging in character-accurate atrocities like cannibalism.

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Fellow Durge players in the comments echoed OP: “I currently have a dedicated bag for dwarf meat on my Durge. Waste not, want not. Besides, it reminds her of her childhood”. What a childhood that must have been.