Baldur’s Gate 3 player spots alternate form for Us after seven playthroughs

A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Us is a character in Baldur’s Gate 3 who also happens to be an intellect devourer. However, one player realized that it is only the player and the party who can see Us’s true form after seven playthroughs.

A Reddit user initiated the discussion surrounding this topic after they arrived at the realization of what Us’s alternate form is. The user stated “I always thought that Chop referred to Us as a “kitty” and a “bad kitty” because Us was different from other intellect devourers, and when you see something with four legs, claws, and even though it might be a walking brain… why not call it “kitty”, right?”

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However, they soon realized that the reason why Chop calls Us a kitty is because the former sees the latter as one. It is not a metaphor, but instead a reality for Chop. This becomes clear in Act 3 where Us clarifies that “she will appear outwardly to others as a kitty.” Several players joined the conversation as they had their own thoughts surrounding the discovery.

One such user commented, “I’ve always saved Us and it (they?) always died in the first fight on the beach. Had no idea there was more in store. Next playthrough I will be exploring this.” Another user chimed in, “I was concerned about summoning Us during my first playthrough. But read the statement about appearing as a kitty.”

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One user also stated, “Wait does Us really appear as a kitty?? I never summon Us because I’m worried I’ll scare people xD.” Finally, one of the users mentioned, “In fact, since Us appears as a kitty, kids will run over to admire the “kitty” and remark about how cute it is. When in reality it’s a brain monstrosity. Pretty funny.”

Therefore, based on the comments, it is clear that some people were aware of it, while others never knew about it. This is because, for some users, Us died very early, which meant they never got to explore it. However, this post managed to inspire a few of them to make sure that Us stays alive so that they can go through all the cat interactions.

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