Baldur’s Gate 3 player shares “disaster” Honor Mode victory

Baldur's Gate 3 Gale on cover artLarian

A Baldur’s Gate 3 player told the wild story of how they managed to just barely beat Honor Mode in a manner that gave them “the worst possible ending.”

In Baldur’s Gate 3, there’s perhaps no accomplishment more sought after than an Honor Mode victory.

Completing the game on this exceptionally punishing difficulty – and without even experiencing a total party kill – is no small feat, and doing so for the first time gets you the Foehammer and a special gold d20 to use on subsequent playthroughs.

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There are plenty of stories of players either exploiting mechanics to beat Honor Mode or losing their runs in devastating, sometimes hilarious, ways. However, one player who managed to complete Honor Mode has explained why it didn’t feel like much of a win following a disastrous final battle.

Note, spoilers for Baldur’s Gate 3’s final boss battle to follow.

Baldur's Gate 3 Emperor using powerLarian Studios

BG3 player gets “worst possible ending” after barely finishing final battle

Reddit user Fuzzy-Ad6915 shared their experience on the BG3 subreddit.

After making it through most of the game with little difficulty, the player figured they’d breeze through the final boss fight. Unfortunately for them, “Pretty much everything that could go wrong did.”

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After losing every party member except for Gale, the player assumed their Honor Mode run was over. However, when looking over Gale’s abilities for anything useful, they noticed Netherese Orb Blast was still an option.

The player decided to try it, triggering a cutscene “where Gale says how this fight hasn’t gone as planned and unfortunately he’s going to have to use the nuke.”

This, of course, leads to everyone dying, but the game still counts it as a victory. Since the player’s Dark Urge also died in the fight, they were only able to witness the epilogue party as an “echo” who couldn’t interact with the only three surviving companions.

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While the player may not feel like they’ve won, as others have commented, what matters most is that they made it through Honor Mode.

As one commenter put it, “Hey, technical victories are still victories.”

“Doesn’t matter, gold dice!” said another.

Ultimately, this player can always try Honor Mode again if they want to attempt a more triumphant victory. Either way, this story can serve as a cautionary tale against getting too comfortable with an optimized build – after all, you’re always at the mercy of the dice.

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