Baldur’s Gate 3 player reveals why Wyll is the best companion to romance

Wyll Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3’s Wyll has won over plenty of fans with his wholesomeness. Some players believe he’s the companion most worth bringing home to meet the parents.

Baldur’s Gate 3 offers a varied roster of romanceable characters that have really captured the hearts of players. Though with them having been hardened by the various challenges of life in Faerûn, many of your potential partners come sporting a whole host of red flags.

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While the “I can fix them” approach works for some players, you already have enough stress to contend with given the tadpole in your head. Things are just a whole simpler when your partner isn’t homicidal or at risk of exploding.

Hence, as one player on r/BaldursGate3 argued, Wyll is the game’s ultimate romance option.

baldur's gate 3 recruit mintharaLarian Studios
Wyll Ravengard: an unproblematic fav?

Wyll is the perfect courting companion, says Baldur’s Gate 3 fan

Given that Wyll leans more Lawful Good than any of his fellow party members, he commits to noble values such as self-sacrifice and stalwart honesty. As a result, players believe he fulfills the ultimate healthy relationship fantasy of being with a partner who is well-adjusted, or should we say “Wyll-adjusted.”

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Despite Wyll being the most “underrated” companion in Baldur’s Gate 3, commenters argued that his “earnest, poetic nature” renders him the most wholesome and appealing party member to shack up with. It’s difficult to claim The Blade of Frontiers isn’t hero material when his altruism even extends to him damning himself to protect Karlach within mere minutes of meeting her despite previously hunting the tiefling.

That’s not to say Wyll doesn’t have his own edge. He is, after all, a Warlock trapped in an infernal pact with a ruthless cambion. Not to mention, as fans point out, he’s got some pretty formidable “daddy issues” to overcome owing to his complicated relationship with his Duke father.

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Even still, some who have seen the light in Wyll still can’t resist the appeal of more morally grey characters like Astarion. As one commenter put it, “[Wyll], you’re the most perfect partner a person can ask for! I’m sure you’ll make someone very happy one day. Anyway, remember that guy that tried to drink my blood without my consent? Yeah, we’re f*cking.”