Baldur’s Gate 3 player reveals hilarious consequence of never recruiting companions

Baldur's Gate 3 soloLarian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 is all about going on an epic adventure with friends or companions – but it’s far from a necessity. In fact, going alone can bring some pretty hilarious situations between your character and Withers.

Withers is renowned for his judgemental attitude regarding the players’ “bosom companion” and will quickly comment on the lack of one if the player hasn’t managed to romance any of the companions. One way to combat this is to find romance, or alternatively, just never recruit any companions throughout the game.

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That’s what one player managed to do, sharing a hilarious scene on the Baldur’s Gate 3 Reddit which shows the final epic speech the player does before heading into fighting the Netherbrain, only there’s only Withers to watch and silently judge.

While many thought the situation was quite sad and did not want to go through the experience alone, others found the playthrough hilarious.

As detailed in the comments, the poster attempted “a rush playthrough to see some new forks. I think it topped out at like 47hrs” which was likely why they never worked on the companions or bothered making friends.

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Thankfully though, Withers is there to cheer you on before you head into the final fight, but many came up with some hilarious words the popular character would have likely had for Tav.

“We discussed thy lack of bosom companion, but truly thou walk alone. A pity, then, that I made so many snacks for those who were never to come” joked one player, while another commented: “Thou walk the lonely risen road. the only thy have ever known” – taking inspiration from a pretty catching song.

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However, others were quick to wonder what happens in the epilogue, to which one user revealed that, during the party “Withers just tells you that you are low in number but not alone” which feels hilariously sweet but a little unexpected for someone who has such an issue with you if you don’t fall in love fast.

Nevertheless, even though Withers is technically a God, he’s still looking out for the Tav, even if they’re looking to go through the game alone – and who knows, it may just inspire others to complete more solo runs so they too can see judgemental Withers in their final speech.

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