Baldur’s Gate 3 player regrets putting Gale through “worst break-up ever”

Baldur's Gate 3 GaleLarian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3’s most wholesome wizard, Gale, wound up experiencing a whole lot more than heartbreak at the hands of one player.

Even with the looming threat of turning into a Mind Flayer, Baldur’s Gate 3‘s protagonist can still make time to court one — or more — of their companions. What’s more, the game’s romanceable characters have players legitimately besotted. In some cases, even inspiring jealousy in their real-life partners.The course of true love never did run smooth and emotions are undoubtedly heightened at the party’s camp. So, a messy breakup is not all that unexpected. However, one player came to r/BaldursGate3 to share a particularly rough example of them kicking Gale to the curb.

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Baldur’s Gate 3’s Gale is dealt brutal break-up by player

While initially equally taken by Gale and Shadowheart, u/snh_14 explains that they finally settled on romancing the Wizard of Waterdeep after the “magical night” he and their Tav shared in Act 2. Of course, this meant cutting things off with Shadowheart but she took the news graciously.

Evidently, Gale’s glamour started to fade because by Act 3, their Tav was engaged in “flirting here and there” with the druid, Halsin. If that name doesn’t immediately ring a bell, think back to that viral bear sex scenethat’s Halsin.

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Halsin was interested in exploring Tav “carnally” provided Gale accepted the idea. However, given Gale’s understanding of introducing another person into their relationship is the two having a child, he wasn’t interested in sharing Tav with Halsin. So, the player opted to dump Gale to enjoy their night of “Druidic passion” guilt-free.

Baldur's Gate 3 name changeLarian Studios
“Halsin the homewrecker”

To make matters worse, the player then ousted Gale from the party in favor of Lae’zel. As a result, it was he who wound up being kidnapped by Orin the shapeshifting evil. First, losing his partner and then facing the threat of becoming a cult sacrifice? Now that’s a rough breakup.

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In u/snh_14’s defence, they did express plenty of remorse for their treatment of Gale: “I feel so bad. First, the love of his life breaks up with him to bone a literal bear of a man, and now he’s been kidnapped by a psychotic shapeshifting death worshipper wearing form-fitting flayed skin. Poor guy”. Poor guy indeed.