Baldur’s Gate 3 player performs “insane” experiment during Honour Mode boss fight

baldur's gate 3 cazadorLarian Studios

The Baldur’s Gate 3 community is in shock after a player shared what happens when they let a major villain reach their full power during a boss battle in Honor Mode.

There are a lot of enemies that have to be brought down in the game’s third act, including Cazador, the vampire who seeks to use 7,000 souls to ascend to an all-powerful form as part of Astarion’s story.

One Baldur’s Gate 3 player wanted to see what would happen when they let him ascend during their Honor Mode run, and the results surprised the community.

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The story was shared on the game’s subreddit where the player explained just how powerful Cazador becomes when given the chance to carry out his plan.

baldur's gate 3 cazadorLarian Studios
Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 4 turned the tide for Cazador

They explain how he increases his Armor Class from 20 to 25, gets a permanent speed buff, and an aura that will deal substantial Necrotic damage to anyone in the vicinity. However, the worst part is that Cazador will regenerate 100 HP every single turn.

The user goes on to say, “Without bone chill and artistry or war on Gale this fight feels like it’s impossible.”

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The Baldur’s Gate 3 community is largely in shock from this news, largely based on the absurdity having to fight an enemy like this is. As one put it, “I’m a regular D&D player… so to hear someone with an AC of TWENTY FIVE hurt my soul.”

In both Dungeons & Dragons and Baldur’s Gate 3, armor class determines if attacks hit or miss, with higher numbers providing the most opportunity for a miss. Since you roll a d20 to determine if you hit, 25 is incredibly high and, combined with the regenerating health, it’s easy to see how players would struggle to fight Ascended Cazador.

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Even without ascending, Cazador is a pretty tough boss fight, as players have to contend with his attacks, as well as smaller enemies and a time limit to prevent him from ascending. With that in mind, adding even more power to his arsenal is wild.

However, other fans are just what to know why this player tried this experiment on an Honour Mode run. In this playthrough difficulty, death is permanent and once a player is killed, the game is over.

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One user is very enthusiastic in questioning this decision, saying: “WHY DO PEOPLE F*** AROUND AND FIND OUT IN HONOR MODE?!?!?!”

It is a bold move to try something new that could possibly make a boss fight even harder when Baldur’s Gate 3 isn’t going to give a second chance. While the poster did end up beating Cazador, it certainly sounds like it was not an easy task, providing a clear warning to those who would consider attempting it.

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