Baldur’s Gate 3 player murders major character by throwing their dead mom at them

baldur's Gate 3 karlachLarian Studios

A Baldur’s Gate 3 player has murdered a major villain character in the most embarrassing and unethical fashion possible, by throwing their dead mom at them. No, really.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is truly the embodiment of player choice when it comes to video games. The developers Larian Studios drop you into the large open world of Baldur’s Gate, and the rest of your game is entirely up to you. Do you choose to become a murderous villain, roleplay as a moral Paladin, or become the most flirtatious Bard around, the options are endless.

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This includes the way players go about combat encounters. Like in DnD, players can do almost anything the game allows them. Whether they use backhanded tactics or cheesy strategies is entirely up to them, but the fact the game allows it gives players the freedom to do whatever they want essentially.

Of course, some of these strategies are looked less favorably upon when it comes to morals and ethics, but who cares when the end result is all the same? That’s exactly what one Baldur’s Gate 3 player did, as they murdered major villain Gortash with the literal corpse of their dead mother.

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Baldur’s Gate 3 player discovers a new form of Momder

Reddit user Syntactics2411 showcased one of the least ethical ways of murder, well at least as unethical as you can be when ending another life.

Before facing Gortash, Syntactics decided to pay Gortash’s mother a visit, brutally murdering them in the process. They pocketed the body and kept it on Karlach, who has arguably been wronged by the villain the most.

As soon as it was Karlach’s turn, Syntactics was able to whip out Gortash’s dead mother and yeet it at Gortash, killing them in the process.

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Who can say if Gortash truly deserved this form of death, but if anything it’s definitely one of the more satisfying ways to kill an evildoer.