Baldur’s Gate 3 player left “devasted” after heartbreaking Honour mode failure on final boss

A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3‘s Honour mode is the ultimate challenge you can undertake where you’ve to finish the game with just one save file and no second chances. As such, one player decided to try it, but they were left devasted after the run failed right at the final boss.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is quite possibly one of the most complex games you can play. While it’s fun and exciting, there’s a lot of mechanical depth in this game that can be daunting for new players. However, a difficulty setting known as the Honour mode simply makes Baldur’s Gate 3 quite possibly one of the hardest challenges that you undertake in all of gaming.

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In Honour mode, the game becomes Rogue-like where you have to complete it without wiping your party even once. Naturally, it becomes an amazing challenge for players who fancy higher difficulty than normal. One such player decided to meet the challenge but unfortunately, had a heartbreaking end as they failed it right at the final boss.

Baldur’s Gate 3 player fails Honour mode with final boss at 1 HP

A player started the discussion on Reddit where they posted an image of their wiped-out party in an Honour mode run. They claimed, “There is no one within the netherbrain’s psyche who can resurrect anyone, and the only character left standing is on a platform which will disappear at the end of the round, with no actions left or way of leaving to a safe platform.”

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They continued, “I was so close. SO CLOSE to beating honor mode with just Salami. I’m devastated.” They failed the run with the boss being left just at 1 HP, which was a saddening experience. Other players joined in the conversation to console the player.

One player tried to console the user and commented, “hugs you and brings you hot chocolate.” Another player sharing an almost identical experience said, “I similarly had 1 turn left to beat the brain, only Shart had a turn left, and Brain was at like 4 HP. Thank god for the scroll of magic missile I had stashed in my bag all game.”

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One user also mentioned, “This has to be one of THE WORST moments in Baldur’s Gate history.” Following the topsy-turvy exchange of views, a player decided not to take “unnecessary risks” and claimed to be “definitely taking Gale for that part.”

Outcomes like this can be really heartbreaking for players, especially after a lot of effort and dedication, and it’s safe to say that players did showcase sympathy. However, that’s what makes the Honour Mode brutal in Baldur’s Gate 3 in the first place.

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