Baldur’s Gate 3 player learns the hard way not to backtrack to Act 1

Baldur's Gate 3 Astarion looking concernedBaldur's Gate 3

One Baldur’s Gate 3 player shared their experience of what can happen if you ignore all the warnings and decide to backtrack to Act 1.

Backtracking in Baldur’s Gate 3 lets players go back to complete unfinished quests, explore certain areas or simply just tie loose ends.

However, despite the game allowing players to progress their story as they please, the RPG does include a point of no return. This feature is common in games with a longer duration.

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In the case of Baldur’s Gate 3, one player tried to test this and shared their findings in a new Reddit thread. Turns out that ignoring all the warnings to backtrack is a bad idea.

“My 92-hour Honour Mode run just ended because I am stubborn and didn’t listen to the dream visitor when he told me not to go back to Act I,” they explained.

The original poster wanted to return to Act 1 to pick up the Gloves of Belligerent Skies, an item they had forgotten. They figured that they’d go to retrieve this item before heading into Act 3.

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However, the dream visitor warned the OP not to go back, even repeating it three times. Instead of listening to the warning, they chose to ignore it. 

“What’s the worst that could happen? I thought that the dream visitor would just be annoyed and allow me to go back after repeatedly ignoring his warnings.”

After ignoring all the warnings, the OP claimed that the dream visitor got angry and left them to fend for themself, and lo and behold, this resulted in their entire party turning into Mind Flayers and being dominated by the Elder Brain.

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Some players in the comments were baffled and thanked OP for sharing their experience. Meanwhile, one player pointed out the same thing will happen if you “rush” to Act 3.

“You are warned several times when you go to the bridge that you aren’t ready. If you ignore it, the same result as in OP’s case.”