Baldur’s Gate 3 player finds way to keep Wyll human without killing Karlach

baldur's gate 3 human wyll headerLarian Studios

One savvy Baldur’s Gate 3 player managed to find a way to keep Wyll alive and human alongside saving Karlach—and it’s surprisingly simple.

In Baldur’s Gate 3, one of the earliest conflicts among companions is between Wyll and Karlach and players will have to make a choice that will drastically alter the party.

As Wyll is under a pact that necessitates killing Karlach, refusing to do so leads to him turning into a devil. Opting to kill Karlach naturally makes it so fans can’t bring her along for the rest of the journey.

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However, one savvy player has found a workaround to Keep Wyll human and keep Karlach alive throughout the entirety of Baldur’s Gate 3.

According to a post on the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit by a user named FranLivia, the entire scenario can be circumvented by one simple method and a lot of perseverance.

“The only way I found throughout Act 1 was to knock Wyll out before touching the bedroll to long rest every single night,” the BG3 fan explained.

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“In Act 1 the Mizora cutscene won’t play when Wyll is knocked out. As soon as I went into Act 2, Mizora only asks you to save her associate and doesn’t mention punishment or Karlach at all.”

While the player prefaced they were unsure of how long this would work, it seems they haven’t encountered any problems before Act 3.

Of course, many joked about the role-playing ramifications of continuously knocking out Wyll before every long rest.

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“I’m internally chuckling at the idea of RPing this,” said one player. “Before every long rest Tav is looming behind Wyll holding a cast iron pan: ‘Shh, sweet prince, it’s for the best… *BOP*'”

Another fan said, “It would be amusing if Larian saw this possibility and made Wyll brain-damaged by Act 3.”

While remembering to knock out Wyll before every single long rest sounds like an arduous task, those deadset on keeping Wyll a human while keeping Karlach alive can try out this workaround for themselves.

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