Baldur’s Gate 3 player finds out Goblins can be friends far too late

A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

A new Baldur’s Gate 3 player who jumped in blind ended up realizing this complex game has multiple ways to approach and clear various zones upon encountering the Goblin Camp, but it was far too late.

After 18 hours of intense struggle, this Baldur’s Gate 3 player took to Reddit to share their experience. The issue started after reaching the Goblin camp as all their efforts to fight through failed.

They realized there were several ways to clear the Goblin camp that did not require combat and were baffled to learn it was easier to be friends with the Goblins and play smart instead.

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They stated, “This game seems amazing but my little pea brain can’t comprehend the different ways you can beat this game.” The player couldn’t believe “how different” this game is from anything they’ve ever played before.

Several players joined the conversation as they encouraged the player to keep trying. One such user commented, “It does get harder, but also easier when your class comes online at higher levels.” Another user chimed in, “Play at explorer difficulty, there is nothing wrong in that.”

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One player also mentioned, “I can tell just by the way you wrote this, you’re an fps player because I play fps games and most of the people who play those games have no brains for strategy.” Finally, one of the players claimed, “At no point is the game hard if you think about how to approach things. But just going around picking fights can get difficult.”

Based on the comments it’s clear everyone encouraged this user to keep going despite struggling while also providing valuable information that will help make fights a lot easier later.

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