Baldur’s Gate 3 player fails Last Light Inn by taking one item too seriously

Baldur's Gate 3 Last Light InnLarian Studios

One Baldur’s Gate 3 player found themselves brutally struck down by paying far too much attention to one simple item in the Last Light Inn.

The Last Light Inn in Baldur’s Gate 3 is mostly a place of peace. Players often see it as a light in the storm, and in many cases, it is. It provides protection from the Shadow Curse and is where you first meet Jaheira, along with reuniting with a variety of the Tieflings you may have saved in Act 1.

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However, the peace doesn’t last long, when Ketheric Thorms allies descend upon the haven to steal one specific NPC. Naturally, it’s up to you to stop them before they achieve this, which can prove to be almost impossible if you make the same mistake as this player.

Baldur’s Gate 3 player follows rules & gets killed because of them

Last Light Inn Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Sharing their tale on Reddit, user knightlady201 explained how they first got to last Light Inn, stating they “saw a sign at the entrance that said something like ‘please put your weapons down here, no weapons inside’. So naturally, my dumb self thought ‘oh okay we’ll just put our weapons in this cabinet’. Then we chat with every single npc in the building and in the end with Isobel, and some winged dude suddenly attacks us with a bunch of enemies AND WE’RE JUST STANDING THERE WEAPONLESS.”

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After listening to the sign, this player and their team were left defenseless with a famously tricky battle in front of them.

Thankfully, the player reloaded their save, but they also took the time to laugh at their mistake, asking the community: “Did anyone else do this or is it just me that’s this dumb? I swear I just innocently thought we were at a safe place, and I believed that if a sign says put down my weapons that I actually need to put them down…”

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It seems that the poster wasn’t the only one to make this mistake, with some fans taking to the comments to explain that they “did the same thing, but noticed that other people had weapons, so I went back and retrieved mine.”

Others shared how grateful they were that someone also made the same mistake, saying: Oh thank goodness, I thought I was the only person who did this! I thought that if I wandered around with weapons out I’d catch hell from the Harpers.”

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However, many players couldn’t help but laugh at the poster’s mistake, stating that they “assume the sign was meant for when the inn was an actual inn? And not a base for harpers/flaming fist” going on to exclaim how “it’s so funny bc you just happen to do this unknowingly heading into one of the more difficult fights in the game. At least if you’re trying to keep Isobel alive too.”

Ultimately, despite the hilarious misstep most players were either sharing in their confusion or labeling the player “the nicest and most polite Tav ever.”

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It seems there are more ways to go about the game than many expected, with a direct opposite of the Dark Urge being shown here.