Baldur’s Gate 3 player discovers tragic new death after 1000 hours

Baldur's Gate 3 RolanLarian Studios

Despite Baldur’s Gate 3’s main storyline lasting just under 100 hours, there’s tons of extra content to keep players entertained on their first, second, third, or even fourth run. In fact, even 1,000 hours in, fans are still finding new content, even if it could be a very unfortunate bug.

Within the 70 hours of the main story, players have to make some difficult choices, which can lead to some unexpected or untimely deaths, companions leaving, or the players themselves being put at considerable risk.

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However, sometimes, those questionable choices are not the player’s fault, and certain failings can just happen if you visit quests in the wrong order or run into the wrong person at the wrong time.

Rolan Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

One player shared their tragic tale on the Baldur’s Gate 3 Reddit: “Act 2, party ran into Rolan in the wild BEFORE freeing the Tieflings. Saved him because it’s Rolan. He says he’s going back to the Inn. OK.. continued on and finally got to the part of the prison break. Cal and Lia back in the inn. They are crying. Rolan is DEAD. He LEFT A NOTE. A NOTE. Our Wizard friend offed himself.”

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While some players insist this is a brand new feature, with many having “never heard of that happening before,” others are convinced it’s part of the buggy quest that surrounds poor Rolan.

“That’s weird” commented another player, suggesting that his untimely death could be purely based on chance: “Wonder what triggered it or Rolan safely made it back to Inn is luck based?”

Usually, the only real way to save Rolan is by freeing the prisoners in Moonrise and saving the Tieflings beforehand. Otherwise, Rolan will run off to save his siblings and could be in danger of succumbing to the Shadowcurse.

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So, when this player ran into Rolan before freeing the Tieflings, he was either determined to rescue his siblings or simply headed back to the Last Light Inn and succumbed to the Shadow Curse on the way.

It just goes to show that no matter how far into the game you are, there’s always a different way to complete a quest… for better or for worse.