Baldur’s Gate 3 player discovers gross way Orin was created

Baldur's Gate 3 OrinLarian Studios

One of the best things about Baldur’s Gate 3 is how deep its lore goes. However, that can be either a blessing or a curse, as many BG3 players realized after discovering how Orin came to be.

From discovering the true identity of Withers, exploring who the primary Gods are, or just understanding more about the world around you, Baldur’s Gate 3 is rich in story. Sure, most players learn plenty from the original storyline, but the game is also littered with information in books, journals, and more.

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However, not all information is one most players actually want to learn, with some disturbing truths revealing themselves. Especially when it’s about everyone’s favorite Shapeshifter, Orin.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has a surprising backstory for Orin’s creation

Sharing their discovery on Reddit, one user showed a note they found in the game, detailing how Orin came to be. The note read:

“The blood of Bhaal must never be wasted, only multiplied. I knew it from the moment of her birth, and every day thereafter. I watched the babe become a woman – Helena, my shapeshifting beauty, my daughter, and Bhaal’s waiting womb. In here I planted my Lord’s seed, and thus did we beget the blood-lamb Orin, the child of my child, and Bhaal’s sacrifice in waiting. I did not know that it would be Orin that Bhaal favored, not Helena, but it matters not. Orin would help to bring forth a new birth in Bhaal’s name – a world baptized in blood.”

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Essentially, the note reveals that Sarevok Anchev, the son of Bhaal, fathered Helena. He then impregnated his daughter, who gave birth to Orin, making Sarevok her grandfather and father at the same time and Helena both her mother and sister.

Naturally, the Baldur’s Gate 3 community was shocked, yet not entirely surprised, given the rather questionable nature of the Bhaal followers.

“Bhaal should just take the title ‘God of degeneracy’ because his followers go way beyond murder,” said one user, explaining just how normal this is for the worshippers.

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Ultimately, the Bhaal cult is extremely problematic, and many may even feel a little sorry for Orin, but likely only until they get to actually take her down.