Baldur’s Gate 3 player discovers bizarre new enemy 500 hours into game

A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 has been out for 3 months now and players are still discovering secrets hidden within the game. One such surprise that a player was subjected to was a boss named Justiciar Crusader in the Gauntlet of Shar.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is such a deep game, that it is pretty difficult to figure out the secrets in a short period of time. This holds true for items, enemies, and quests that are hidden throughout the massive world of Balddur’s Gate 3.

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As it happens, one player has stumbled over a boss enemy called Justiciar Crusader. They found this boss in the Gauntlet of Shar and it seems a lot of players were unaware of its existence. The interesting part is that it took 500 hours for the player to come across this enemy.

Here is what the community has to say about it.

Baldur’s Gate 3 player stumbles onto new enemy after 500 hours

The discussion regarding this boss was started by a player named DreadeDreamer on Reddit. The player claimed, “I’ve ALWAYS destroyed the umbral Tremors instantly, never getting more than like one guy to spawn.” They continued, “After a few turns outta nowhere a huge 10 foot tall Shar crusader spawns with 200 health, smashing apart skeletons and ghouls.”

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They ended their post with the message, “Don’t leave the portals!” As it happens, other players also joined in the conversation with some of the findings from their own end. One such player commented, “Just yesterday I learned if you attack Halsik, she spawns unique Enemies to attack you, like golden armored minotaurs.”

Another player chimed, “That’s awesome! Definitely will leave one of the portals open the next time I’m in the Gauntlet.” One player also claimed, “I have about the same number of hours and I just saw him for the first time yesterday!”

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Lastly, a player commented, “There’s just so much content in this game it’s hard not to skip something, it hurts my head.”

Therefore, it looks like other players are also eager to find new things. In fact, this discovery might be small, but no doubt there are several secrets still hidden that will be revealed in the days to come.