Baldur’s Gate 3 player discovers ability to dual-wield sausages

Baldurs gate sausagesReddit: RustyFebreze

Baldur’s Gate 3 players have discovered that it is possible to dual-wield sausages in place of clubs in the game.

Baldur’s Gate allows players to craft their story through character customization and plot-driven decision-making. This opens the door for near-infinite possibilities within the game, including the addition of wielding unconventional weapons.

Despite the game’s release in August, players are still finding hidden features they weren’t unaware of. Dialogue can change based on the relationship with the character and even what the character is wearing.

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With multiple swords, staffs, hammers, and wands available to wield, most players wouldn’t turn to camp supplies when needing a weapon. However, the concept of playing through the game with sausages is well-known by the community.

A screenshot from the game Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Reddit shares tips for wielding sausages in Baldur’s Gate 3

One Redditor posted on the official page, asking users if dual-wielding was possible with sausages – a concept that, while funny, actually has a purpose in the game.

“I noticed that you can wield a sausage as a weapon,” said the poster. “If you max out strength, get the tavern brawler feat, and take any and all magic items that will add damage bonuses for melee. Could you use them as your main weapons for the entire game?”

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The simple answer from the community was yes, and there are even YouTube tutorials from others showing what needs to be done to make it viable. However, one user warned that the sausage did not count as an improvised weapon, but instead was considered a club by the game.

“An Eldritch Knight could make one into their Bound Weapon, which would make it return when thrown,” said one commenter. “Then Tavern Brawler would work because you’re throwing the weapon. There’s an item called the Ring of Flinging that adds 1d4 damage to thrown weapon attacks if you want to go that route. Also, Salamis are simple melee weapons, meaning Monks can apply their martial arts damage if it’s more than the weapon’s base damage.”

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Several steps are crucial for effectively swapping sword for sausage in your arsenal. But to answer the original poster’s question, it does seem like sausages could carry you to the end of the game.