Baldur’s Gate 3 player devastated after failing Honour Mode run at worst moment

Baldur's Gate 3 Netherbrain cinemtaicLarian Studios

Honour Mode has taken its toll on yet another Baldur’s Gate 3 player after they failed the run at the worst possible moment.

When Baldur’s Gate 3 came out of early access, save scumming was a vital part of the game. It enabled players the chance to experiment with their choices, go back on mistakes, and cover themselves for any crashes or issues. However, the notion of save scumming is a hotly debated topic in video games, and many BG3 fans argued it shouldn’t be used.

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So, Larian Studios introduced Honour Mode as a way to bring a new challenge to the game. Honour Mode is an experience where you’re only allowed one save, meaning if your entire party dies, that’s the end of the game.

While such a mode can be enjoyable, it can lead to some devastating moments when an unexpected TPK lands at a pivotal plot point.

Baldur’s Gate 3 player gets Honour Mode TPK at worst possible point

Sharing their unfortunate total party kill on Reddit, one user attached an image of the exact moment where their campaign ended, stating: “I’m gonna throw up.”

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The battle that did it was against The Netherbrain, which as many may know, was the final battle in the game. To make it worse, the image also showed how long they’d played that campaign, showing over 60 hours worth of adventure. While it’s not exactly the 100 hours many put into it, it’s still a painful amount of time for no true reward or ending.

Other Baldur’s Gate 3 players were quick to understand the fan’s pain, commenting: “Yup this part is all about mobility and pure damage…I feel you, it is very painful.”

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One player offered an alternative solution to the TPK: “Out of all the things. I’d have just jumped off the side myself that way at least I could say it was my choice.”

Interestingly, this unfortunate fan wasn’t the only one to suffer this fate with some sharing how they “thought you hacked my game, because I had this exact same party and lost at this exact same point about 2 hours ago.”

Ultimately, many of the community feel terrible seeing such a horrid end to the game, and one comment in particular sums up most of the fan’s thoughts: “This makes me feel ill.”

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