Baldur’s Gate 3 player crushed after Astarion dumps them over crucial story decision

Baldur's Gate astarionLarian Studios

A Baldur’s Gate 3 player ruined their chances with Astarion after forcing him to drink the blood of another character.

The winner of Game of the Year continues to impress players with its storyline twists and turns, which are still being discovered months after the game’s release.

Baldur’s Gate combines Dungeon and Dragons’ customization into a solid RPG title that gives each player a unique experience. One of these experiences was discovered by a Redditor who was devastated to find out one key mistake left them without a partner.

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Astarion is arguably one of the most romanced companions in the franchise, with his devilish charm and tragic backstory. The latter is what gets the Redditor in trouble for not respecting some of the trauma Astarion has gone through in the past. Spoilers ahead!

Baldur’s Gate player gets broken up with by Astarion

Screenshot of Astarion from Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

If the player opts to make Astarion bite Araj Oblodra, it could lead to dire consequences for their relationship with him. Specifically, forcing Astarion to drink her blood may worsen their bond.

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“After I made him bite Araj Oblodra, we had a little debrief back in camp,” said the poster. “The breakup hit like a punch in the stomach. It had me scrambling to find an old save where I could scum the conversation and say the right things.”

The sequence of events weighs heavily on Astarion’s background and the experiences that he has had in the past. There seems to be more than one option that players can choose that may result in Astarion breaking up with them. Regardless, he will reflect on whichever option is chosen when the player returns to camp.

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“I said he was his own person and said no to him biting her if he didn’t want to,” said one user. “Back at camp, he was still feeling really guilty like he should have done it, and saying he should have just put up with it and stuff. I think it’s easy to underestimate how messed up he was by Cazador and what he was forced to do.”

If players want to keep their relationship with Astarion, they may need to pay closer attention to his feelings and backstory. Otherwise, they may suffer the same consequences as the original Reddit poster.

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