Baldur’s Gate 3 Inspirational Events: What are they & how to get them

an image of a character in Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios

Inspirational Events in Baldur’s Gate 3 are related to the Inspiration mechanic of the game and here’s our handy guide on what they are and how you can get them.

A turn-based role-playing game like Baldur’s Gate 3 is rich with features where each of the aspects adds to the game’s overall experience. You get to choose a character from a plethora of classes available along with some added companions and guardians. As a result, there are many important mechanics that come into play.

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Inspiration is an example of one such mechanic in the game and you earn them by completing certain actions. With that said, here’s a complete rundown of what Inspirational Events are and how to get them in Baldur’s Gate 3.


a screenshot of Inspiration screen from Baldur's Gate 3Larian Studios
Inspiration gives you second chances in-game.

What does Inspiration mean in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Inspiration is basically points that allow you to reroll a die more than once if you had a failed roll initially. You need to have at least one Inspiration for the game to give you a reroll prompt.

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This mechanic is also present in Dungeons and Dragons but in Baldur’s Gate 3, the mechanic is limited to Ability Checks only. You can hold a maximum of four Inspiration charges at once. However, you must also remember that Inspiration doesn’t guarantee a successful reroll, even though it does give you a second chance.

What are Inspirational Events in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Inspirational Events are the affairs that earn you Inspiration points in Baldur’s Gate 3. Your character performs actions based on the background you’ve chosen for it. Upon completing, some XP and one Inspiration get added to your mettle.

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The actions are mentioned when you’re on the background selection screen while making your character. You can select from a total of 11 backgrounds while customizing your character at the beginning of the game. The Inspirational Event actions vary depending upon which of these 11 backgrounds you’ve chosen.

A screenshot of Baldur's Gate 3 on SteamLarian Studios
Baldur’s Gate 3 has some really difficult achievements

How to get Inspiration in Baldur’s Gate 3?

You get inspiration points by performing specific actions of your character’s background in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Here are the events for each background that will earn you Inspiration in the game:

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Name of BackgroundInspirational Event
AcolyteSpent life in service to a temple, serving the gods and discovering their sacred works earn inspiration
CharlatanA history of breaking the law, and profiting from criminal enterprise earn inspiration
CriminalA champion of the common people, saving innocents from danger earns inspiration
EntertainerLive to sway and subvert your audience, preserving art and bringing joy to the hapless and downtrodden earn inspiration
Folk HeroA champion of the common people, saving innocents from danger earns inspiration
Guild ArtisanSkillful in a particular craft, repairing and discovering rare crafts grant inspiration
NobleRaised in a family among social elites, accumulating renown, power, and loyalty earns inspiration
OutlanderGrew up in the wilds, surviving unusual hazards of the wild earns inspiration
SageCurious and well-read, learning about rare lore of the world earns inspiration
SoldierTrained in battlefield tactics and combat, showing smart tactics and bravery earns inspiration
UrchinSurvived a poor and bleak childhood, using your street smarts earns inspiration

So, there you have it — that’s everything you need to know about Inspirational Events in BG3. For more about the game, be sure to check our other content and guides:

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