Baldur’s Gate 3 players want Gortash to finally get the ending he deserves

baldur's gate 3 gortashLarian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 players with a soft spot for Gortash want the character to finally receive a better ending in future content updates.

As one of the RPG’s key antagonists, opinions about Gortash are divisive among the community. His role as the political acolyte of the ruthless tyrant Bane ensures many players have no love for him.

However, some, at the very least, think he deserves a better, more rounded conclusion. As things currently stand in Baldur’s Gate 3, the Elder Brain kills Gortash regardless of whether or not players want the politician’s machinations to succeed.

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One Reddit user recently sparked a discussion about the matter, asking why there are “0 way[s] to save him.”

The Redditor pondered, “Why is there no ending where Gortash stays alive… if I make a deal with Gortash, I’m already giving up the Gondians, Ulder Ravengard, and Omeluum, why do I get absolutely nothing from it?”

baldur's gate 3 gortashLarian Studios
Players meet Gortash in Act 3.

Several BG3 players chimed in to say they agree that Gortash deserves a better conclusion. One user called it the “single most disappointing outcome in the game,” lamenting that they sacrificed a couple of quests to side with Gortash for what amounted to a “super lame” ending.

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Because Larian recently teased the future addition of more “really evil” endings, others hope Gortash gets what he deserves. Wrote someone in the thread, “I heard recently that Larian is working on some evil endings…I still have hope that one of them ends up with your alliance with Gorty having a future tbh.”

Others flat-out disagree, arguing that Gortash has already gotten the final moments he deserved because of his malevolence. Reads one comment, “On one hand he got what he deserved and the way he dies is actually kinda funny.” However, this person noted that they understand why those doing an evil playthrough dislike this particular route.

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Another user said it all fits into the overarching narrative. Gortash and the other chosen like him in Baldur’s Gate 3 made deals with their Gods. “And their deaths show the uncaring cruelty of their Gods.”

Time will tell if Larian thinks it worthwhile to explore Gortash further.