Baldur’s Gate 3 player finds brutal way to keep good companions on evil run

baldur's gate 3 evilLarian Studios

A Baldur’s Gate 3 fan supposedly found a trick that lets players keep good companions on evil playthroughs, though the method likely involves a bug.

Baldur’s Gate 3 allows players to play the game and engage with the story however they see fit. That doesn’t mean in-game companions always have to follow the flow of things.

For example, recruiting fan-favorite companion Minthara requires users to take part in a raid that party members Karlach and Wyll don’t like. As a result, if Minthara joins the group, the other two will cut ties with the protagonist – events that mark the start of an evil playthrough.

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But some players want to have their cake and eat it, too. Now, one person is claiming that there’s a way to still move forward with the raid while also keeping Karlach and Wyll as companions.

Can you keep good companions on evil Baldur’s Gate 3 run?

In a Reddit post tagged with a spoiler warning, user Thor_HS shared a trick to keep Karlach and Wyll around even after conducting the Emerald Grove raid for Minthara. Unsurprisingly, the method in question involves even more deception on the part of the player.

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The Redditor claims players must recruit the good guys, kill them, and then resurrect them after completing the evil deed. “If you recruit both karlach and wyll, kill them in camp, raid the grove, and then resurrect them after you’ve had the goblin celebration,” the user explained.

Supposedly, once all is said and done, the game will acknowledge that something’s off. Thor_HS added, “They will both ask, ‘What happened at the grove?’ But they will not leave the party.”

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baldur's gate 3 evilLarian Studios

Some Baldur’s Gate 3 players aren’t buying that this evil playthrough approach will survive future updates. After all, it sounds like a glitch that developer Larian Studios will eventually patch out.

One popular comment in the Reddit thread notes that “this is most likely a bug… Don’t be surprised if Wyll and Karlach drop dead at some point when a new patch is implemented.”

Those who’ve already given this idea and similar methods a try claim the game finds ways of course correcting. “Tried this several times last night. It worked with Karlach, but Wyll leaves immediately when the fight starts,” someone said.

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Another person added, “This must be a new bug, because I killed Wyll… raided the grove and got a pop-up he left (although his body stayed for a while). Think this was like 3 weeks back…”

It’s probably best to steer clear of this trick, specifically to avoid future mishaps in case Larian issues a fix that retroactively impacts the past decisions.