Baldur’s Gate 3 devs rushing to fix Act 3 bugs: “We are just as frustrated as you”

Baldur's Gate 3 Act 3 BugsLarian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 developer Larian Studios published a huge Community Update addressing player feedback on the multiple Act 3 bugs. They’ve promised to rectify the issues as swiftly as possible in the next patch.

Baldur’s Gate 3 launched to near-universal acclaim and quickly became one of the most concurrently played PC games of all time. Players have been having a ball with the game so far slinging OP spells and blitzing through sultry speedruns.

Unfortunately, there’s been a bit of a blotch on the almost perfect record of Baldur’s Gate 3. Players are progressing to the game’s final act to find it riddled with bugs and have been expressing their displeasure online.

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Larian has heard the outcry loud and clear and addressed the multiple complaints in a recent Community Update on Steam. They broke down their plans for the future of Baldur’s Gate 3 with an emphasis on the late-game bugs.

baldur's gate 3 patch notesLarian Studios
Bugs halting certain quest triggers have been ruining certain characters’ stories for some players.

“We’ve seen your reports about Act 3, and we are as frustrated as you are by bugs spoiling the experience,” Larian wrote in the update. “We’re dedicated to solving these quickly and as you’ve noticed by our Hotfix and Patch rollout, we’re getting pretty fast.”

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Multiple players on the Baldur’s Gate 3 Subreddit and Twitter have complained about certain Act 3 quests locking progression due to bugs. Larian explained its process for prioritizing “blockers” with hotfixes “when a patch is not imminent”.

Fortunately, a patch is imminent. Patch 2 for Baldur’s Gate 3 is in the works and Larian is focusing specifically on the performance and bugs of Act 3.

“Patch 2 looks to further eliminate some of the more major issues, including those found in Act 3,” Larian clarified. “Where there seem to be loose ends, we’re tying them up.

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A screenshot of Baldur's Gate 3 from SteamLarian Studios
Larian has said the technical scope of the city of Baldur’s Gate has caused them problems.

The first patch for Baldur’s Gate 3 made major improvements to the game with fixes to bugs, balancing, quest flow, and more. The developer has built a lot of trust with their community thanks to their responsiveness and accountability.

Despite the Act 3 bugs present in the game, Baldur’s Gate 3 is actually retaining players at a greater rate than even Elden Ring. If Larian continues to ensure the game performs optimally, it’s sure to have a long-lasting shelf life.

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