Baldur’s Gate 3 devs respond to absurd Nicolas Cage edit: “Could you not”

Baldur's Gate 3 Nicolas CageReddit: u/Jirkislo

A Nicolas Cage-themed Baldur’s Gate 3 fan edit isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. That includes the devs at Larian Studios.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players are a creative lot whether that’s within the confines of the game or outside of it.

They’re adept at creating unique solutions to in-game encounters like throwing their dead mothers at a boss. Baldur’s Gate 3 players have also invented the world’s most sultry speedrunning category.

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One fan of the game who goes by u/Jirkislo on Reddit has pushed this seemingly ubiquitous creativity to new heights by fusing major Baldur’s Gate 3 characters with the one true god, Nicolas Cage. Unfortunately for them, Larian devs didn’t appreciate this high art and they made that clear when someone shared the work on X.

Sharing a small selection of these Nicolas Cage amalgams including fusions with fan favorites like Astarion and Karlach, X user kindofstrange qualified their feelings. “I saw this so now you have to too,” they captioned the post.

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Reactions were a little mixed with some Baldur’s Gate 3 fans demanding a live-action film in which Nicolas Cage played every character. Others were mad that they were subjected to the images at all asking the player “how dare you?”.

Larian was decidedly unimpressed and made their thoughts on the matter pretty clear. “Could you not,” they asked in a reply to the post.

kindofstrange did set the record straight and credit u/Jirkislo’s Reddit post which featured way more of what people are calling ‘Baldur’s Cage’. That’s below for any die-hard Cageheads or folks who want to subject themselves to the madness.

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We’re not too certain how we feel about Cage’s face over our favorite goth girlfriend but his mug is oddly suited to some of the character models.

Just don’t tell Larian we said that. We have a reputation to uphold after all.