Baldur’s Gate 3 Dark Urge player discovers how annoying companions can be

Baldur's Gate 3 Durge shockedLarian Studios

A Dark Urge player in Baldur’s Gate 3 has found that one party member in particular becomes quite annoying when you start giving in to murderous temptation.

Playing as the Durge is not for the faint of heart. You’ll be tempted and sometimes forced to commit awful crimes, and you won’t always be able to play the game in the way you want. There’s also the added danger that your favorite characters might die at your hand.

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If all this stress wasn’t enough, playing as the Durge unlocks new dialogue options with your party, and for one player, these new conversations had them seeing one fan-favorite party member in quite a different light.

Surprisingly, the character was Shadowheart, and what made her so annoying was the “hypocrisy” she shows during the Durge playthrough. She’ll reprimand the player for killing people while at the same time pursuing her desire to kill the Nightsong, which angered one player who just didn’t want to be judged for their murders.

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Durge player brands Shadowheart as “hypocritical”

In a post on the Baldur’s Gate subreddit, one player said that Shadowheart was really getting on their nerves during a Dark Urge playthrough.

They said: “I’ve gotten around to doing an evil Durge play-through and Shadowheart is beyond hypocritical. She sits and judges me for killing in the name of Bhaal but she’s killed a literal angel to be just a Dark Justiciar. I’m an actual piece of Bhaal.

“You’re just an elite force of Shar, don’t come at me like that. She said I was crazy for being Bhaal’s chosen, like girl, blindly following the Goddess of Loss isn’t that great either. I’m about to replace her spot with a hireling.”

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If Shadowheart does actually become a Dark Justiciar, she turns into a much meaner person than her normal self, so maybe she and the Dark Urge are made for each other.

For more news and updates on Baldur’s Gate 3, check out why players are complaining about the latest updates’ changes to the game’s ending.