Baldur’s Gate 3 players obsessed with new class concept

baldur's gate 3 catLarian Studios

By summoning a whole litter of cats, one Baldur’s Gate 3 player made up a new type of class, the Nekomancer.

Baldur’s Gate 3 features a dozen different playable classes, ranging from Barbarian and Paladin to Cleric and Warlock. A selection of subclasses further allows players to build a character to their liking.

Not every class has the ability to summon cats, though. No, that honor is only bestowed upon a select few. And players don’t just keep felines around for cuddles; the creatures can prove essential in times of stealth.

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As such, one player conceptualized a Baldur’s Gate 3 class where the furry animals reign supreme – they call it the Nekomancer.

Cats take center stage in made-up Baldur’s Gate 3 class

The Nekomancer class in DnD revolves around cats, yet no such class type is available to BG3 players. That didn’t stop one user from taking matters into their own hands, though.

Reddit user Couch__Cowboy shared their Nekomancer character-build concept in a screenshot where their Tav’s surrounded by several cats. “Seven cats at level 3. We’re unstoppable,” the player wrote as a caption for the following post:

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The original poster explained how they made the build with the following comment: “Tav summoned one, and all three companions are druids that each summoned a cat before wild shaping into cats themselves.”

As one would expect, many Baldur’s Gate 3 players like this cat-centric line of thinking. “Godsdammit. Now I need to make another Tav,” wrote a user in the thread.

Someone else responded by saying, “Now we need an Artificer to build a cat-apult.”

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Another fan noted that BG3 should do a better job of informing players of all the possibilities when it comes to cats in the game. They wrote, “I don’t know why the tutorial doesn’t include a part where you learn that characters can turn into cats, summon cats, or summon cat illusions… because that is all pretty critical/adorable information for lots of players.”

Clearly, fans wouldn’t mind having more cat content in their Baldur’s Gate 3 playthroughs.

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