Baldur’s Gate 3 player shocked by number of Steam users who completed Act 1

baldur's gate 3 act 1Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 player is surprised by how much of the game’s Steam community has completed Act 1.

Baldur’s Gate 3’s first act can last an incredibly long time if players choose to drag out the experience. One person spent 300 hours in Act 1, then learned that some of their actions had undesirable consequences later down the line.

At least they were able to move on to the next chapter. Some players have yet to leave the starting section, either because they’re enjoying it too much or because they’ve walked away from the game entirely.

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A Steam user decided to check the game’s Achievements and, in so doing, realized how many people are missing out on BG3’s best moments.

Baldur’s Gate 3 fans shocked more players haven’t finished Act 1

A BG3 player posted a screenshot on Reddit showing data tied to ‘The Plot Thickens’ Achievement on Steam. Notably, this Baldur’s Gate 3 Achievement is specifically awarded to those who complete the game’s first act.

At the time the Redditor captured their screenshot, only 49% of the game’s Steam community had exited Act 1. The user captioned the photo with the following: “LESS THAN HALF??? Guys come on now.”

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Of course, it’s worth noting that the 49% figure isn’t representative of Baldur’s Gate 3’s Steam fan base as a whole. After all, many players probably started the RPG and don’t plan on returning. Others are likely taking their time; newcomers can’t be discounted, either.

One newcomer explained their situation in the comments, “Lots of people bought the game over Christmas, sank 30 hours in, are still in Act 1, and now have no time to play (that’s me, I’m lots of people).”

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Someone else said they’ve logged 60 hours into Baldur’s Gate 3 but have yet to exit Act 1. Several other people chimed in to say that’s normal. Another person joked, “Remember, if you get through Act 1 in less than a thousand hours you’re rushing and have missed all the content.”

It’ll be interesting to see how the numbers for ‘The Plot Thickens’ Achievement look in the coming months.