Astarion’s voice actor is streaming their Baldur’s Gate 3 playthrough in character

baldur's gate 3 surprised astarion headerLarian Studios

The voice actor for Astarion Neil Newbon has begun streaming their playthrough of Baldur’s Gate 3, reprising his role and giving characters new voices in the process.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has been a monumental success. The RPG has skyrocketed to the top of the gaming world, with plenty of success and acclaim to its name. Not only does the game feature massive sprawling maps, in-depth quests, and plenty of companions to romance, but the sheer freedom players are given when playing is immense.

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Another attribute of Baldur’s Gate 3’s success is the fantastic work put in by the talented voice actors. The characters in Baldur’s Gate 3 are all brought to life with snarky personalities that players are absolutely adoring.

Now community favorite Astarion will have a playthrough of his very own, as voice actor Neil Newbon has started a campaign where they voice them once more.

Neil Newbon has been streaming their co-op playthrough with writer Tom de Ville on Twitch, and uploading various clips of the funny moments onto YouTube.

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Alongside the pair, Newbon has invited other voice actors like Amelia Tyler, who voices the narrator, and animation director Thierry Van Gyseghem to feature on the stream.

For those looking to join in on the action, you can catch his stream when he’s live, or alternatively check out Neil’s YouTube channel where they’ve been uploading the VODs in multiple parts for those wanting to watch.

Newbon is a prolific voice actor who has starred in several video games before jumping in as Astarion in Baldur’s Gate 3, including roles as Heisenberg in Resident Evil: Village and Isaac in Deliver Us Mars.

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