Assassin’s Creed Shadows is the perfect game to play while we wait for Ghost of Tsushima 2

Assassin's Creed ShadowsDexerto

Ghost of Tsushima 2 might not be confirmed, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing, as one title will tide us over until its eventual release: Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

If the likes of Odyssey and Mirage have taught me one thing, it’s that Assassin’s Creed is well and truly back in its prime.

Mirage perfected its return back to the older style of Assassin’s Creed games, with a more detailed story, heartbreaking twists, and epic stealth gameplay. Meanwhile, Odyssey showed what it really means to dedicate an immense open-world adventure in the heart of an expansive yet complex historical period.

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Take both of those, combine them, and then add in a sprinkling of the gameplay and teasers we’ve seen from Assassin’s Creed Shadows, and you’ve got a recipe for what looks to be one of the best modern Assassin’s Creed games out there (nothing will beat Brotherhood though, sorry).

So, with Shadows coming soon, now couldn’t be a better time to get a small taster before Ghost of Tsushima 2 is eventually served up.

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Ghost of Tsushima 1.5

Assassin's Creed Shadows character overlooking buildingUbisoft

Now, while it’s all well and good saying you should try Shadows while waiting for Ghost of Tsushima 2, why bother? If you’ve not been interested in Assassin’s Creed in the past, why start now, and why even compare it to Ghost of Tsushima? It certainly feels a world away from the West Indies or Viking England we’ve previously seen.

The answer’s simple: These two games feel more like siblings than separate titles. Both are set in the same landscape, both allow you to focus on stealth or honorable combat whenever you choose, and both feature stunning, large, open-world exploration throughout their overarching main stories.

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As such, it’ll be easy to dive into Shadows without it feeling a world away from the experience you’re expecting. Sure, you won’t be able to run around as Jin, but you’ll still be able to explore the same region but at a different time period.

Ghost of Tsushima is set in 1274, while Assassin’s Creed Shadows takes place in 1579, some 300 years after Jin’s eventful life. As such, this will be the perfect opportunity to revisit familiar visuals and action styles but with a different historical period, almost acting as a 1.5 version of Ghost of Tsushima.

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Of course, we haven’t seen the entire game yet, but if the gameplay is anything to go off of, Shadows certainly pays homage to the traditional style of Japanese fighting in the same way as Ghost of Tsushima and will certainly act as a perfect transition between the first iteration, Shadows, and Sucker Punch’s eventual sequel.

The starter before the main course

jin sakai overlooking lands in ghost of tsushimaSucker Punch Studios

When looking into their similarities and their inherent designs, it’s easy to conclude that Assassin’s Creed Shadows is the perfect starter to satiate your hunger while you wait for Ghost of Tsushima 2.

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Shadows will be releasing in November, and if Ghost 2 does ever get announced, it’s likely we won’t see it until late 2025 or 2026 at the earliest, giving you plenty of time to delve into feudal Japan once again, but through two different pairs of eyes.

Sure, you’ll have to deal with the Assassin’s Creed lore, but if you can look past the Isu and its creations, then you’ll definitely be treated to the perfect waiting game before you can dive right back into Ghost of Tsushima 2. Or just replay the first one; we can’t tell you what to do.

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