Wraith invincibility exploit is still ruining Apex Legends matches

Wraith in Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment

Despite being a known issue for months, players are still exploiting a bug with Wraith’s abilities that allows them to stay invisible and take no damage from the ring, completely ruining matches for opponents.

This glitch was first discovered way back in July 2019, as players found that it would allow the character to survive endlessly outside of the safe zone, essentially guaranteeing them the win as all other enemies would die to the ring damage.

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Nothing much was made of the exploit back then, as it wasn’t widely used and requires some expert timing to make it work. But it’s continued to rear its head in matches since then, and is still happening now, almost one year after it’s discovery.

Respawn Entertainment
Wraith’s abilities are already very powerful, but this exploit takes it even further.

The latest incident was again posted to Reddit, where the final player, a Bangalore, is seen trying to use healing in the final circle to outlast the mystery opponent, but of course, it was in vain.

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After succumbing to the ring damage, the final player standing is shown to be a Wraith, calmly sauntering around outside the safe zone but taking no damage, clearly having used the exploit.

Although it requires some expert timing, the exploit doesn’t need anything more than a few button presses, which bugs the character’s ability and effectively places Wraith in the Void endlessly, where she takes no damage.

It can only be presumed that, by now, Respawn are aware of this exploit, given how long it’s been a thing. But, perhaps it is proving more difficult to fix than other glitches.

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Despite how long it’s been known, it’s still not massively widespread, as players avoid spreading how it can be done. The original poster of the exploit later deleted their video to avoid it becoming overused by Wraith players.

Hopefully, Respawn manage to put an end to it before it gets out of hand, and every other game is being won by a Wraith hiding out of the safe zone while invulnerable.