#1 Mad Maggie main reveals most consistent Apex Legends shotgun loadout

Apex Legends Mad MaggieRespawn Entertainment

Apex Legends’ #1 Mad Maggie main has revealed the ‘most consistent’ loadout for the fearsome shotgun savant.

Apex Legends expert Sweatband interviewed the #1 Mad Maggie player in Apex Legends and asked him all about the Legend’s strengths, as well as what players should be trying to achieve with the Rebel Warlord.

From tips on how to engage all the way down to questions about pick rate, the pair left no stone unturned for the shotgun-wielding warrior.

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One of the most valuable insights from the Maggie grinder is that one shotgun stands out above the others in terms of consistency and that there’s only one AR to back it up with.

Apex Legends’ #1 Mad Maggie player reveals favorite shotgun

Flacoscott has collected over 60,000 Apex Legends kills as Mad Maggie since her January 2022 debut. That kind of experience is invaluable in figuring out the ideal way to play her, and he believes that the EVA-8 clears the competition in the shotgun category.

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“I know people like the [Peacekeeper] but I’m just very inconsistent with it. I either hit everything or miss everything,” he said.

Apex Legends isn’t all up-close fights though, and he recommends that other Mad Maggie mains pick up an R-301 to keep them safe in those long-distance fights.

He also noted that the Mozambique can also work if it has Hammerpoint Rounds, but that’s a situational choice and is mostly meant for fun.

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If those two options aren’t available, then defaulting to the popular Season 16 loadout of the Nemesis AR and the R-99 is the best way to keep a good balance of weapons for each range.