Who is dizzy? How the NRG pro rose to success with Apex Legends

NRG / Respawn Entertainment

Apex Legends brought with it a revitalized formula to battle royales which has made millions of players fall in love with it since it’s February 4 release. One of those players has risen in popularity almost as fast as the game itself.

NRG’s Coby ‘dizzy’ Meadows has been one of the brightest stars to emerge from the popularity of the newest battle royale, but not many people know much about the young talent.

Dizzy’s introduction to the pro scene didn’t start with Apex. He had previously been a part of Mythic and Selfless Gaming’s Counter-Strike: Global Offensive squads before landing with his current org, NRG.

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Though his stint on the CS:GO pro circuit was short, it didn’t matter since full-time streaming was his dream. Until Respawn Entertainment unexpectedly dropped Apex Legends.

“…Full-time streaming was my dream, and not only that, I want to be a competitive player and compete in Apex Legends,” dizzy said in an interview with Forbes. “This is only the beginning for me.”

Like many other players, dizzy fell in love with Apex Legends upon release. Unlike many other players, he had committed an insane amount of time to the brand new title immediately after it launched.

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Code Red TournamentThough the game hasn’t been out for more than two months, Dizzy is already taking an early lead in Apex Legends wins.

“…When Apex Legends came out I fell in love with it.” dizzy said. “I put 100% into it the first day the game came out. I streamed it for 21 hours, I had so much fun enjoying a fresh battle royale.”

Though he had an early affinity for Respawn’s game, it wasn’t until the first Twitch Rivals series for the battle royale where his talent was put to the grindstone.

Some would expect a no-name talent to fade away into obscurity with a squad consisting with the likes of Ninja and KingRichard. But not very many expected the young gun to hard-carry during many instances in the game’s first sponsored tournament.

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Even after securing the first two tournament wins in Apex Legends, dizzy hasn’t stopped pushing himself forward in the battle royale. He currently has over 12,600 kills on his main Wraith, while touting about 2-and-a-half million points of damage done.

Though mystery still shrouds the rising talent, audiences are sure to familiarize themselves as he racks up tournament wins in his favorite battle royale.

As the game mature’s and competitions evolve, it seems like dizzy will be a mainstay in Apex Legends tournaments to come.

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