Apex Legends pro Max-Strafe to miss ALGS Split 1 Playoffs due to war in Ukraine

MaxStrafe competing before ALGS Split 1 playoffs in 2023 before the Apex Legends pro could not leave Ukraine4Entertainment.be

Pioneers player Maksym ‘Max-Strafe’ Stadniuk revealed on Twitter that he will not be able to play in the upcoming ALGS Split 1 Playoffs in London as he did not receive permission to leave Ukraine due to the ongoing Russian invasion.

Max-Strafe will miss another LAN event due to the ongoing military conflict in his home country of Ukraine. The 26-year-old pro player qualified for the international tournament in the EMEA ALGS league with Pioneers, who placed seventh overall in league play.

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Pioneers will sub in Scott ‘Pandxrz’ Maynard, from FURIA, for the event. Pandxrz was retained as a sub for the team in advance in case of of travel issues.

Max-Strafe missed the ALGS Split 2 Playoffs and ALGS 2022 Championship last year due to the conflict as well. In both instances, his team sent a substitute in his place. Max-Strafe is a veteran of Apex Legends esports, competing since 2019, and has placed in the top 10 of an AGLS Championship with Ukrainian org NAVI.

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The Ukrainian has made headlines recently for his continued career in esports despite the ongoing conflict in his home country. Max-Strafe detailed his experiences competing while an active war is happening, just outside his window in some cases, for The Washington Post.

Pioneers bringing sub for ALGS Split 1 Playoffs

The ALGS Split 1 Playoffs are set to start on February 2 at the Copper Box Arena. The event is the first major tournament for the esport in 2023. One million dollars are up for grabs for teams at the event.

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The four major regions sent teams to the tournament, which include North America, South America, EMEA, APAC North and APAC South. Of the teams at the event, only Pioneers have announced that they are fielding a substitute player.