Three things Respawn can do to turn Apex Legends into a serious Fortnite rival

There is no denying how successful Apex Legends has been in its very early stages, but it still has a long way to go to even be mentioned with Fortnite Battle Royale.

Released on February 4, Apex Legends has been the talk of the town in the online gaming community, and it’s managed to reach 10 million users in a record breaking amount of time

There are several reasons as to why Apex Legends has been so successful in its early stages, such as the fact that it’s free to play on three major platforms, it was announced, revealed, and released all on the same day, and publishers EA have recruited a lot of prominent streamers to play and promote it.

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At this point, it’s virtually impossible to gauge for how long this kind of success can be sustained, and whether or not the game will ever become a true rival of Fortnite.

While no method is guaranteed, there are three steps that Respawn Entertainment can take to lengthen this spell of success and try and turn Apex into a serious threat to Fortnite’s monopoly over the battle royale community. 

Update it regularly

One of the reasons why Fortnite has been so successful is that Epic Games continually update it to keep the gaming experience fresh and fun. 

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Respawn can emulate this strategy by constantly updating both content and gameplay, meaning they should always be looking to add, remove, and/or change items, weapons, and mechanics to always keep the player-base on the edge of their seat. 

Listen to the community

Listening to the community is imperative to maintaining long-term success for a video game because it keeps those who are playing the game happy and content.

This means that Respawn should always be monitoring and considering community feedback, and the developers should be ready and willing to make the changes that the majority of the player-base asks for, even if it means removing something that too a long time to implement.

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Explore the game’s potential in esports

It would be hard to deny that Fortnite’s competitive side has taken the popularity of the game to a whole new level, and this has allowed Epic to invest unprecedented amounts of money into official competitions. 

While it’s still to early to tell whether Apex Legends has esports potential, it would be naive and ignorant of Respawn and EA to not at least try and explore the competitive landscape. 

It’s worth pointing out that Respawn has already partnered up with Twitch Rivals to organize a $200,000 Apex Legends Challenge featuring popular streamers. 

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