sweetdreams calls for better spending from EA amid org exodus

sweetdreams ALGS NRG player.Joe Brady/ ALGS

Former NRG Esports player Christopher ‘sweetdreams’ Sexton called for better spending from Apex Legends developer EA on its esports circuit as multiple teams exit the title.

EA has come under fire from fans, players and esports organizations as teams have started to exit the Apex Legend Global Series. Some orgs that have left have cited EA’s unwillingness to support them as their main reason for leaving the esport.

However, some org heads have said EA is doing the best they can and is not that bad compared to other developers. Some players have also said as much, like former NRG player sweetdreams.

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In a recent live stream, the pro player discussed how the esports landscape has changed over the years, and how EA could better spend its money to promote the longevity of the game.

sweetdreams lays out plan for EA in Apex esports

sweetdreams started the discussion by explaining how much EA must spend on operating a battle royale esport, from paying for production and broadcast costs to team travel and prize pools.

“I feel like we are right at the brink of it getting a little delusional with how much we’re asking EA to pay,” he said.

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Trenton ‘lou’ Clements, who was doing with the player, agreed and said he wouldn’t want to have more money allocated to the prize pool either. sweetdreams then suggested some better ways for the developer to spend its money.

“$500,000 spent on developing regions, developing orgs and players to satiate the Tier Two pro scene and the feeder system of the pro scene is worth more than $500,000 in raw prize pool,” he said.

The pro also said EA should start putting more of an emphasis on their pro scene as he thinks Apex Legends is close to where CS:GO was in terms of popularity. The Valve title was bleeding streamers on Twitch and only seemed relevant once the big tournaments started, and Apex could be on its way to that cultural spot as well according to sweetdreams.

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“Without ALGS, Apex is not going to be a game where a lot of people are talking about it on social media and Twitch clips and stuff like that,” he said.

Whether EA or Respawn will change up how they operate following the recent backlash and exodus of multiple esports orgs, has yet to be seen.