Summit1g uses Sea of Thieves tactic to hilariously toy with Apex Legends player

Summit1g / Respawn

Popular streamer Jaryd ‘Sea of Thieves and he’s started using the same tactics in Apex Legends to pick up hilarious kills. 

The former Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player built a reputation across the seven seas of being able to literally hide in plain sight, before picking off his enemies and stealing their loot. 

He doesn’t seem to have lost that touch, either, as he replicated the same type of disguise in Respawn’s battle royale game. 

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RareSummit1g was known for his epic hiding skills in Sea of Thieves.

Not only did he steal their loot, though, but the streamer also stole another player’s chance of being crowned the Apex Champion of Kings Canyon. 

Summit was initially shot from behind after trying to loot another player’s crate – which they leave behind after being eliminated – forcing him to retreat towards some rocks. From there, he sent out a number of decoys which confused his enemy. 

They had no idea where he’d disappeared to in this hilarious play, despite standing obviously in the corner before picking up the kill. 

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It’s fair to say that the other player was completely bamboozled by the decoy tactic Summit adopted and if his Sea of Thieves plays are anything to go off, we can expect even more of these brilliant moments from the streamer in the future on Apex Legends.